Kerchan Technology Co., Ltd.
Kerchan Technology Co., Ltd.

Kerchan LCD Advertising Display Monitor: New Form of Advertising

Nowadays, whether indoors or outdoors, you can see advertising display screens everywhere, some are standalone versions displaying ads, and some show network advertisings, displaying differently in various application scenarios. The application of LCD advertising displays has become very widespread, and we can see them at any time in many places. This article introduces the functional characteristics of Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors in large shopping malls, big supermarkets, hotel lobbies, large restaurants, cinemas, and other public places with heavy foot traffic.

Features of Kerchan LCD Advertising Display Monitors

Widespread Audience

The large and mobile crowd is the biggest advantage of the audience of Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors. This characteristic gives Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors a broad survival space without the concern of being squeezed by traditional TVs. The reach of the LCD advertising system can extend to various systems like city buses, subways, taxis, and even trains. The potential commercial value is high, and the industry demand trend is evident.

Instant Communication

Traditional TV requires you to sit in a fixed place to watch. For people busy working during the day, this is a luxury. Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors allow moving crowds to watch anytime and anywhere, gaining more and newer information, which greatly satisfies people's demand for information in a fast-paced society, while also enriching the cultural life of citizens.

Maximized Information Utilization

How to make the existing information serve the widest audience and generate the greatest economic and social benefits has always been a concern and thought of media professionals. Traditional TV media does not fully utilize the value of information. In contrast, new Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors can maximize the utilization of information and also let it exert the greatest value.

High Cost Performance

Advertisers need the best cost-effective advertisings to convey product or brand information to the maximum number of target consumers. Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors provide a brand-new and super-value choice for advertisers. Information is broadcast all day long, and the audience can watch it around the clock. Ads played by Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors can target different audiences and broadcast different programs and advertising content, making each time period a prime time for ads.

Kerchan LCD Advertising Display Monitors Bring New Opportunities

Traditional media is relatively fixed, and consumers have become accustomed to the monotony of advertisings, but no one can avoid it, and they all passively accept it. This means the creativity and effectiveness of the advertising matter a lot. They are always looking for a new communication medium, and Kerchan LCD advertising display monitors precisely solve this problem. Its wide audience includes the most comprehensive range of consumers, making it easier to get noticed by the general public; hence, advertising dissemination is more effective and influential. Specifically reflected in:

  • Compared to traditional outdoor advertisings, outdoor LCD advertising displays have stronger readability, visibility, and completeness of information dissemination.

  • LCD advertising displays have a stronger sense of depth, more vivid colors, and more continuous movements, which make them more advantageous than print ads, especially suitable for brand image promotion.

  • Compared to newspapers and radio, the cost of LCD advertising displays is relatively lower, only a fraction of the cost per thousand impressions of newspapers and radio, thereby saving advertising expenses relatively.